About The Work

30 posts

Kukuli Velarde’s Plunder Me, Baby

Reviewed by Christopher Michno Plunder Me, Baby—sounds like an invitation, but an invitation to what? There’s irony aplenty in that title and it leaves a sickening aftertaste, as it’s meant. Kukuli Velarde’s trenchant and caustically humorous ceramic sculptures fix within their sights the conquest—both cultural and corporeal—of Latin America. This […]


La obra de Kukuli Velarde es profundamente personal, no porque se componga de claves subjetivas e indescibrables, más bien al contrario: como la de cualquier persona, la vida de un artista se compone de un bagaje que afecta y condiciona, o al menos influye, cada aspecto de su vida o […]

Vessels of protest

Peruvian Kukuli Velarde confronts racism with striking ceramics based on historical works. By ALICE THORSON The Kansas City Star Print :11/24/2013 Peruvian artist Kukuli Velarde is haunted by a childhood memory of her 16-year-old nanny,  Lorenza. “I don’t speak Quechua, ” Lorenza declared,  and tried to hide her accent and […]